Hi rocket-men

That's easy for you to say!

Welcome @Louis.57 . The 2009 model is of course the best one, especially in the claret colour, so you're off to a great start. Nice and unique modifications to your bike; certainly make it unique.

With regard to the oil tank issue, are you certain the oil tank drains completely? There is always a certain amount of seepage into the sump when the bike isn't running. This is why you should check the oil after the engine has been running. Maybe you're only losing some of it, in which case you have nothing to worry about.

Welcome aboard

@albertaduke ...Patrick...speak english for f#ck sakes. How else are we supposed to know when you are insulting us?
Welcome aboard

@albertaduke ...Patrick...speak english for f#ck sakes. How else are we supposed to know when you are insulting us?
Did I rubbed you the wrong way ooops!! but here is an insult in french you can print and stick it on your screen for future reference just in case ,
plus la moto est grosse plus le zizi est petit
Did I rubbed you the wrong way ooops!! but here is an insult in french you can print and stick it on your screen for future reference just in case ,
plus la moto est grosse plus le zizi est petit
It sounds better in German...
das Fahrrad ist mehr als großer Penis ist klein
Did I rubbed you the wrong way ooops!! but here is an insult in french you can print and stick it on your screen for future reference just in case ,
plus la moto est grosse plus le zizi est petit

Bring your tractor to Arkansas in April and I'll give you a redneck insult in return...in person...and probably buy you a drink
Did I rubbed you the wrong way ooops!! but here is an insult in french you can print and stick it on your screen for future reference just in case ,
plus la moto est grosse plus le zizi est petit
You can write to Louis in French and he'll understand, but try to speak the Canadian "franglais" and he won't have a clue what your saying.