Hi from John in the UK.


.020 Over
Sep 11, 2014
Triumph Rocket 3

Hi, I'm John from nr Manchester, England. This is my Rocket 3 last week on a trip last week we call Lands End to John O'Groats (LeJog - effectively end to end of our island.)
The official mileage is 874miles but I did it a scenic non motorway route which came to 1045 and the round trip clocking 2300 miles.
Even Triumph seem unsure of what the model but it's probably a classic 2007.
For this little island that was quite some trip. The roads in Scotland are stunning and empty.
Unfortunately on the way home in abysmal weather she slipped,gripped and high sided doing a complete 360.
The screen, crash bars, panniers and back rest took the brunt of the crash, I also lost a mirror and footrest. I limped her (and me) home 464 miles over two days.
She's a testament to the strength of the bike that it still runs straight and true, unlike me!
I got away with bruising everything that's bruisable and some bits I didn't know you could!
Anyway we're both fixable and most bits seem available.
If anyone knows of a replacement tank (not touring) in black I would be most grateful.
I may however have to save up £700 for a new one.
Kind regards John.
Welcome John and thanks for your intro mate. I would have all of these parts but sadly I think they would be to expensive to post to the UK. But someone might have the same parts that is closer to you.
Welcome from Germany!
Heck of a trip! Glad everything's ok in the big picture.
Keep an eye on e-bay, things pop up often! I've seen a few tanks on there in the past several months.
Welcome John and thanks for your intro mate. I would have all of these parts but sadly I think they would be to expensive to post to the UK. But someone might have the same parts that is closer to you.
The tank appears to be hardest to find, saw a complete set of tins in tribal blue but tbh I like it black and so does the mrs.
Hello from Canada!

I am glad that you are alright, we all know that it could be worse.

There are many things I like, but they don't necessary like me.
Computers, I like them, but some how they don't like me.
Twisty country roads, I like them, but they don't like me.
Pretty girls, I like them, but they don't like me.

My rocket? I like it, I think its is getting to like me
Welcome from Germany!
Heck of a trip! Glad everything's ok in the big picture.
Keep an eye on e-bay, things pop up often! I've seen a few tanks on there in the past several months.
Yep, it's being watched closely. There's a few bits I'm watching but the tank seems to be the problem just now.
I don't think I like riding in nasty weather where logging trucks have been!
Dear Mr. @Siddley1947 hello and welcome.
How very nice of you to grace us with your presence.
How very sorry I am to learn of that nasty old Scottish road furtively assaulting you in such a bold un-polite manner.

Do you wear a kilt when riding and is that one of YOUR STONES I see hanging back of your motor?
G'day and welcome. That was a good intro ride, apart from the bad bits - and they could have been a lot worse.

It is not a "Classic" as they had two0tone paint, floor boards, and a couple of other differences. It looks like a "Standard" RIII, the manufacturer plate should tell you the year.

Are those Yamaha mirrors I see?
That's a rough debut post, John. We're all happy that you "took the slide, but still can ride".

Welcome to the site from New Jersey, USA! Things can only get better from now, forward...stay safe!!!