@RayinHouston a few things about rockets...
1.) The touring model isn't the only one with a cruiser style riding position. Until 2010 the classic and standard were produced and 2009 was the best year rocket made IMHO. Nice seating position, the classic comes with boards, big fat tire, the bugs had been worked out of the transmission and lots of power.
2.) Contrary to some folks all rockets can be made to output the same power in stock configuration.
3.) Roadsters are fun to ride through the twisties and I have ridden one a long way (~ 4,500 miles on one trip). There are folks on here that regularly ride a roadster on long mileage trips, but highway bars with pegs are a necessity for most if you go that way.
4.) Used rockets tend to sell way cheaper than HD's or wings. Since not many know what they are there isn't a huge market for them.
5.) There is a vanishingly small aftermarket for these things. Most "custom" rockets you may have seen were exactly that...custom built by someone. Not a lot of bolt on stuff for them
6.) Both of mine have been amazingly reliable. I have heard of rockets that are a continuous problem for the owner but no more than I'ver heard of someone's $40k HD being in the shop for months at a time
7.) You will never regret buying one. These things definitely put a huge grin on your face.
There was a 2008 Classic that came up for sale on this forum just a few days ago. Keep looking until you find one that speaks to you then buy it and don't look back. BTW...there are a few of us around Houston if you want to take a look at a Rocket or two.