I bought my rocket about 1 week after starting a new job. I had (still have) no job security, tons of debt, and a whole lot of reasons to put my money elsewhere, but when you fall in love there's not much good trying to talk sense to yourself.

From the second I saw my bike on the kick outside the dealership, engine gently idling, I knew there was absolutely no regret and no going back. There are a lot of gorgeous bikes in the world and I wouldn't mind owning one of each, but there is nothing on the road that comes close to moving me (pun intended) the way the Rocket does. I had gobs of fear and buyers remorse (and an irate but begrudgingly accepting wife) during the weeks I waited to take delivery, but it melted away in an instant. I'd be willing to bet that by the time you roll back into the garage for your first maintenance your feelings of trepidation will be a distant memory.

Of course, if you're like me you'll also spend another $20,000 "moving in" once you get the keys. One must have priorities.

:thumbsup: You know what? That just about sums me up to a "T".except for, starting a new job, and, except, I do sort of have job security, I definately have tons of debt and the rest is almost spot on, 3 more days and I'll be looking out to be catching hansos' disease "sillygrinitis":D
3 more days and I'll be looking out to be catching hansos' disease "sillygrinitis":D

Ah, an inflammation of the sillygrin. It's common among rocket owners, I'm told. Falling in love with a bike is a nice enough feeling, but when you happen to fall in love with a bike with as much raw power and presence as the Rocket, well... your face does end up hurting from all the grins. I'm looking forward to reading about your feelings after you roll off a few hundred miles!
Your list of coming attractions reads great to me!
I am jealous of you being located so close to Carp.
My only critique would be I feel the Easy Brackets are superior to the Ghost - a minor deal.
Thats funny, I actually did consider a roadster but I had to consider the wife, I didn't want to come to the realization that somewhere along my journey, she had been blown off the back of the bike.:whitstling:
Yeah a sissy bar is a must if you have a passenger. The torque will eject a passenger in a hurry. happy riding. Hint have the dealer turn off the speed limiter. 130 isn't fast enough for the planets biggest bike.
Your list of coming attractions reads great to me!
I am jealous of you being located so close to Carp.

Actually the Stage 1 kit is the only coming attraction, everything else is already on. I considered the stage 2, but if I get kicked out of the house I won't have a place to garage my baby.

My only critique would be I feel the Easy Brackets are superior to the Ghost - a minor deal.

I went to buy Easy Brackets and the site was in a wild state of disarray, there was an Easy Bracket front end to the site but ordering redirected me to a Ghost Bracket product list. I called to try and figure it out and according to whomever I spoke to they're one and the same. I may have got bad info, but the quality on the product I received is quite good and looks identical to the Easy Bracket I was looking for.

It's like I said to the OP, you get bit by the mod bug and a fever takes you... I am STILL shopping for toys. If I hadn't read of multiple breakages I'd be tucking money away for carbon rims. Pretty soon my bike'll be more of an investment than my house.
Just wait till you pull into a Harley dealer and about half the guys there spend the whole time looking at your triumph rocket ! That puts your mind at ease!
"Sillygrinitis"..............It happened. I got infected. Absolutely am loving this motorcycle. I'm only 600km on the speedo but I can say emphatically, it is one heck of a comfortable motorcycle, not perfect, but I'm not complaining. I just ordered a long haul touring seat which I'm hoping will round off the not perfect part. The cool factor of this machine is something else, as just about every Harley rider I passed going in the other direction ended up doing a double take. Major grin factor. I'm in like,lust,love, with this bike, it has good power, great handling, comfortable and it suits taking the wife touring, with a cool factor I can not imagine getting from any other bike but a Rocket, but, given the chance and funding,I would absolutely jump at getting the Roadster and have the best of both worlds, having both bikes. " Sillygrinitis" unbelievable. :D:D:D