Hesitation at 2000 RPM (with Tune ECU questions)

Have you ever replaced the vacuum lines. Your bike is a 2005 model you need to replace them. Your coil leads did you just wiggle them. You need to tighten them. I would bet that if you do the two things I am saying your slight miss will be fixed.
Have you ever replaced the vacuum lines. Your bike is a 2005 model you need to replace them. Your coil leads did you just wiggle them. You need to tighten them. I would bet that if you do the two things I am saying your slight miss will be fixed.

I've not replaced the vacuum lines, but plan on doing so. I am going to go back over the coil connectors and crimp them tighter. That said, I am going out to purchase a primary TPS today since the dealer has one in stock and I have over 30K miles on the bike. It seems like that is typically the mileage these things get replaced anyway.

I spent several hours fiddling with the primary TPS with Tune ECU connected. Voltage showing .63. I decided to try to dial it back just a bit to see if there would be any difference. After loosening the torx screw and repositioning the TPS (I tried both directions), I could not get the voltage to change at all.
Question, after changing the position of the TPS to affect a voltage change, do I need to do something else (such as turn the bike off, then back on) to get the voltage to change in TuneECU? Or, is it possible that the lack of a change in voltage registering in TuneECU when repositioning the TPS is indicative of a bad TPS?

All coil wires have been crimped tight. Including the *****es to get at in the forward coil.
Vacuum hoses have been checked/replaced.
New Primary TPS installed.


25,000 miles on a 2015 ROCKET X. No hesitating. Did have to adjust throttle bodys to match resultly. Not real smart but have a way about engines. Not even my trade by occupation. (TIG WELDER)but there is no way in @ell I would take my bike into a shop and let someone else do a tune up. Just saying check the balance.:sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky:

All coil wires have been crimped tight. Including the *****es to get at in the forward coil.
Vacuum hoses have been checked/replaced.
New Primary TPS installed.


Is your TPS repeating ? By this I mean did you set it to .60V or in the tolerance range and verify the .12 volt movement? Then to answer your question above, after the .72 volt is verified you clicked on ISCV reset again and watched the screen at the bottom as it says, you touch nothing for 15 seconds while the stepper motor is adapting. Then you click "reset adaptives" and after it was complete you turn the key off for 5 second or more before starting her.
Anyway after this is done and you either rode the beast or did a 12 minute tune did you go back and check to see the TPS voltage setting was still .60 or at what you set ?
Here is a symptom of my TPS going bad,when it hesitated i would stop switch of the engine then re-start, it would be ok for a mile or so then start faultering again.Give it a try maybe throw some light before you buy a new one
Following closely in anticipation.
My R3R also hesitating -appreciate the info and hope @Jabo75 finds success.
Is your TPS repeating ? By this I mean did you set it to .60V or in the tolerance range and verify the .12 volt movement? Then to answer your question above, after the .72 volt is verified you clicked on ISCV reset again and watched the screen at the bottom as it says, you touch nothing for 15 seconds while the stepper motor is adapting. Then you click "reset adaptives" and after it was complete you turn the key off for 5 second or more before starting her.
Anyway after this is done and you either rode the beast or did a 12 minute tune did you go back and check to see the TPS voltage setting was still .60 or at what you set ?
See, this is the issue, I cannot get the voltage reading to change on my TPS. Since the voltage wouldn't change on my old unit, (it was showing .63), that made me decide that I should get a new TPS. After purchasing a new TPS, I cannot get the voltage to change on it either. I moved the TPS through the entire range of movement, but the voltage is always showing .64 (closed) / .75 (open). I did the "reset adaptives" even though the voltage never changed, turned it off then rode it. (have done this several times. I even tried the 12 minute tune, although I recall reading somewhere that without the oxygen sensor, the 12 minute tune is useless (I have the o2 sensor removed - cat bypass with TORS).