Nah .. wasn't fush and chupz that's for sure :D Looked more like something David Attenborough would prise out of rock crevices with a divers knife. Slimy , sluggy looking things of varied shapes and colours. Wasn't cod and chips .. know that much.
Could have been mussels and sea urchins I guess .. looked pretty gross , but made me hungry at the same time. My quest to identify the ' newspapers contents' will continue.
Jake come home from the pub, pussed, sez to beth, 'Cook me two iggs, *****! One fried, one boiled, and they better be perfect, or you get THE BASH !!!!' Beth sez, yes Jakey yes.....then sets about with the cooking...hmmm sunnyside up, soft an runny, perfecto.....4.5 secs in hot boiling water....another perfecto igg...great, how can ol Jakey not be impressed ??? Oh Jakey, your iggs are ready, she sez. Jake storms into the kitchen, glares at the iggs, then a soft smile comes to his face.....but after 5 seconds, the rage returns . He turns to beth, and punches a hole in the wall...and f#%*n *****, you fried the wrong one.