Help Please with my 2007 Rocket anyone???

Sunshine1, hope you're ok from the flooding, pretty wild ride FL got! A correct cable is linked in my post, but I just picked one at random, definitely check reviews to find a good quality one (the one I always buy is no longer present on amazon).

There's no reason you can't try and start it, give it a shot, nothing you've messed with can cause any damage really.

Moving forward, since I'm a bit in/out on the forum you'll want to do these steps in TuneECU:
A- Connect to ECU and go to diagnostics, get all codes shown there. 1:55 in this video shows where the codes will display:
B- Clear codes, power cycle the bike, read the codes again.
- If no codes, sweet, have fun riding.
- If codes return post them here and let people help you target the causes of the codes (some of the codes are not very descriptive like "engine fan error").
C- Throttle Body Balance - Thanks for the guide - R-III-R Turbo
D- Primary TPS Adjustment. Thanks for the guide - R-III-R Turbo You've done it already once, but once you have TuneECU connected, the process is slightly different and it's more accurate. Instead of 0.6v when doing it with TuneECU I suggest using 0.65-0.68 as the target voltage. The bike will run better with 0.65-0.68 than 0.60. The second voltage displayed in the process, often targeted at 0.72, can usually be left to whatever it comes out to be, but ideally, it is 0.12 v greater than the set point of primary TPS.

So if you target 0.65v for the Primary TPS, then ideally the second voltage would be 0.77v. This voltage is nowhere near as critical as the 0.6X voltage, my bike uses 0.69v and 0.79v, idles nice and solid.
Thanks so much. Gona find the Cable some how or way get a good One. The Tune ECU scares Me as im No Computer expert.. Ill Try. Just really burnt out from this Hurricane and Now Putin is Starting more Crap. I hope i get it done to Ride before leaving again. Thanks Dean...
Will try to add a bit of info
when u use tune ecu to set the stepper motor the tuneecu withdraws the stepper motor and that is when you set the voltage .060 factory (mines set a little higher)
without the tuneecu the only way to set correct is to remove the stepper motor the set for the .060/plus.
I hope so too, 2 wheel therapy is highly effective!
I can relate to the pre-deployment angst (spent 5 years deployed) and the need to just enjoy yourself while you can.
Morning, and Coffee time... This Hurricane really messed up Florida. Its 62deg here now at 8am,,, Never has is been this cool.. was 95deg yesterday. I'll take it... Before I go blow up something, let me understand this, TuneECU is only good for a Phone?. I have a Lab Top and easier for me to see.. Just dont want to Blow up something, or fry the OEM computer... Thanks Dean..
There's a windows version available, it's free. The creator just stopped updating it but it still works fine on rocket 3s.
The tuneecu works great on lap top with the cable conection and is my preferred way but it needs android to work.
A $100 android laptop and the correct cable and you r ready to go.