
.020 Over
Mar 1, 2016
Rocket 3
Hi guys I recently bought my pride and joy a 2005 Rocket3. Bike been running great until yesterday when I had trouble with my alarm fob not wanting to stop the alarm that went off, but eventually it stopped the alarm and I assumed maybe fob needs a new battery, anyways I went on my ride and thought no more about it. Until I was approaching a roundabout and it decided to cut out completely and instantly! Not enjoyable lol I was already committed and had no choice but to coast round the roundabout and pull up after the exit as I didn't fancy hauling her ass across said roundabout whilst dodging traffic. I was banked over when the engine decided to die clean pants please! I noticed the oil pressure warning light was on and switched her off had a cig waited 10 then cranked her up (no warning light) and rode the mile home the looked in manual and it says don't run if oil pressure switch has come on am really worried I've killed her.
At first I thought the problem must be oil pressure (because of the light) related but on reflection when it stopped it didn't seem mechanical, there were no noises, judders, bangs, just silence. Also if there had being some catastrophic engine failure enough to put oil pressure light on would it then restart and run fine?
The bike had only done 6000 miles when I bought it and I've only added about 400 miles and the week before I had the bike to a triumph main dealer to check her over and they said it is spot on. The main dealers I bought it from did a service or at least claim to have.
I want to check the oil level but am scared to run it up in case I am wrong about it cutting out due to an alarm problem and further damage the engine.
Could the bike have cut out due to an oil problem (seems a bit trick)?
Sorry to waffle on guys but I'm not a mechanic and would really appreciate any advice at all.
My opinion is that the alarm electronics are messing up, saw something similar when @HansO came to visit last year, he had a similar device and had issues like that, will see if he chimes in:)
Thank you Mexican :)
No problem, i'm not a big fan of remote alarms or starts on bikes if they are not factory equipment, most of the ones i have seen malfunction but that is just my personal opinion, hope the experts help you figure it out:)
wasn't a Alarm system it was a keyless ignition which I accidentally drowned (while over-enthusiastically washing the generously loaned by @R3Tex "Morris" bike) the unit under the seat which mount upside down allowing water to get in, to the makers credit @DEcosse it had a failsafe so no harm was done to unit I just had to dry it out.

On another note I know an Aussie member who had all sorts of trouble with the Genuine Triumph Alarm system causing similar problems, I say ditch the alarm system
... I want to check the oil level but am scared to run it up in case I am wrong about it cutting out due to an alarm problem and further damage the engine.
Could the bike have cut out due to an oil problem (seems a bit trick)? ...
No, there is no connection between the oil pressure lamp and the ECU or ignition system.
The oil light will always come on if the engine is not running; as long as it went out once started then it was merely on because the engine died.

Is this an OEM (Datatool) alarm or after-market?
Either way I would say one of two things are the issue:
1) the alarm itself is a problem (and certainly appears to be given your issues with disarming it)
2) the key-switch is a common failure item and this could have been the problem here

I'm speculating on each of the above possible causes, without more data. However for sure, it did not die because of oil pressure (unless of course it hard-seized but then it would have locked the wheel until you pulled in clutch)
If the warning light came on because your motor died your alright it should do that. I would plug the alarm bypass in he and eliminate it to see if there is some other problem Like stated above the ignition switch.
wasn't a Alarm system it was a keyless ignition which I accidentally drowned (while over-enthusiastically washing the generously loaned by @R3Tex "Morris" bike) the unit under the seat which mount upside down allowing water to get in, to the makers credit @DEcosse it had a failsafe so no harm was done to unit I just had to dry it out.

On another note I know an Aussie member who had all sorts of trouble with the Genuine Triumph Alarm system causing similar problems, I say ditch the alarm system
You are right Hans, i forgot all about the washing thing, my apologies, i'm getting old!!:confused: