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I'd go tear mine apart to verify but I believe its under the left side cover Right on top of the rectifier bracket. either way it is reset-able as shown above it really just looks like a little fob plug.Hi, fall condition switch, where is this? I will check manual, cheers, wil be calling the dealer today but just needed an easy fix if I can.
Hunt is right they don't always detect a fall but I can say when they do work you'll freak out until you reset it
I have had it go off on two of my Rockets. Thought I really screwed something up until I went thru the reset procedure. There is two fault code for it like other sensors it high voltage and low voltage. No sure but I do not think that's a triggered problem but If someone will go kick their bike over and plug tune ecu in it we can see if it reads the condition and if tune ecu can reset it
I would but I have no one here to help this scrawny bugger pick the bike back up.
One thing for sure its just a couple twist in a row of the key to reset it why not try it?????
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