HELP! I have commited the ultimate sin and dropped my Triumph Rocket 3x,


Standard Bore
Jul 11, 2017
Triumph Rocket 3 x
The clutch lever took most of the impact, which resulted in me having to replace the clutch lever but now the bike will not start, any suggestions? I was not travelling at speed just turning the bike around in my drive.
Check your kill switch. Otherwise it's most likely the sensor in your clutch lever that tells the bike to start. If you turn the key does anything happen?
Hi, thanks for replying, yes I turn on all the lights light up the Neutral light is on, I press the start button and it tried to turn over but just clicks once.
Hi, thanks for replying, yes I turn on all the lights light up the Neutral light is on, I press the start button and it tried to turn over but just clicks once.
Can you suggest any good youtube clips to help??
try playing with the clutch a little, on mine i have to let off the clutch a little, sound like the clutch switch not be contacting properly,
mine does the exact same thing with the clutch pulled all the way, if you let off slowly while pressing the start button i think it will start
Have you checked fall condition switch you should be able to clear it by power on and off 3 to 5 (book says 3 cycles but 5 in a row will definitely do it) times I'll look in the book if you have tuning software clear the code as I believe you engine light should be on.
If not then I would suspect the clutch switch baring no damage to the kick stand.
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The best help you're goin to get will be right here. Where are you in the UK?
The clutch lever took most of the impact, which resulted in me having to replace the clutch lever but now the bike will not start, any suggestions? I was not travelling at speed just turning the bike around in my drive.
How wide is your drive???????? walk the bike around or do what I do when my bike is in the shed, I have a 20x20 1" plywood and on the bottom I have screwed on a 12" lazy susan I put my bike jack on top then lift the bike up and spin it around it is a lot better than dropping the thing.
Did the same to mine manyyears ago dropped it in front of many R3 's on an annual RDU get together.
Found a Alloy tig welder and welded the clutch leaver back together - now have short levers (And carry a spare to guarantee this wont happen again.:thumbsup:

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