Headlight Modulator

Sometimes nothing you do can cure the other persons stupidity. I do feel they give me a fighting chance just a little more now.
I am a true believer in making yourself visible. It all helps and the fact that we are still riding around proves they are seeing us out there :wink:
krothnbrg said:
This is an interesting topic. In my riding club there are a couple who have their bikes equipped with the modulators. I noticed them right away so they clearly draw the eye.

But as mentioned above, I have also had them behind me and I find that they draw my eye. Which means if they are behind me they are a distraction. In cases of a tight formation if I go down (due to being distracted) they will go down too... on top of me.

So I personally have mixed feelings about them. I don't know the specific laws but my understanding is they cannot be used after dark.
Keep the guys out front with the modulators :wink: Easy