Looking for a headlight light glass globe for a 05 Rocket III.


Dec 14, 2018
Lou. Ky
05 Rocket III
This bike has the dual headlights, damaged the glass globe/lens for right side. Hoping to find a good used one. Thanks
This bike has the dual headlights, damaged the glass globe/lens for right side. Hoping to find a good used one. Thanks
I have and original i think it is plastic You are welcome to have it. Can you post a pic of the one like you want.
I have and original i think it is plastic You are welcome to have it. Can you post a pic of the one like you want.
It is plastic, I will try and post a picture tomorrow, or at least I'll get the dimensions. The bike is an 05 dual head light, not a touring model. Thank you.
The ones that I have are off my 07 classic i replaced them because the original are terrible the brights shine in the trees and on dim they shine about 10 foot in front of the front tire.
If you are going to do much nite driving you should get some good
I put a harley Davisson day maker $400
And a china for $50 mainly because it is open range with black cows .
The ones that I have are off my 07 classic i replaced them because the original are terrible the brights shine in the trees and on dim they shine about 10 foot in front of the front tire.
If you are going to do much nite driving you should get some good
I put a harley Davisson day maker $400
And a china for $50 mainly because it is open range with black cows .
Granddaughter has volleyball tournament today so will measure light this evening.
Granddaughter has volleyball tournament today so will measure light this evening.
The ones that I have are off my 07 classic i replaced them because the original are terrible the brights shine in the trees and on dim they shine about 10 foot in front of the front tire.
If you are going to do much nite driving you should get some good
I put a harley Davisson day maker $400
And a china for $50 mainly because it is open range with black cows .
Measured the light and came up with dia. of 5.360 inches to the edges of chrome ring. Hope this makes sense to you. Thanks