Marker lights are only useful when Ign key is turned all the way to the left - If you have key-less Ign this will no longer work anyway.
I have DECosse keyless ignition and mine work.....
I believe Mitzy was simply qualifying that, with ignition on, they are essentially worthless as they add zero value to the headlights when on in the ignition/run function; and since there is no longer any key-switch, then there is no 'park' function. Mitzy's system, like all the others, still have this functional (if it is connected in the lamp module) with ignition on.
So they are essentially moot and as-well left disconnected (in the light fixture) or units purchased without this feature anyway. Some of the LED modules have a 'running light' or Halo and these can be connected to the original Park Bulb wire
All of the KeyLess systems I have provided actually still have the 'park' light circuit functional - if it was not, the tail light would not work either - the tail light and front marker lights are on same circuit.
'Park' lamps are somewhat of a misnomer, since they are only 'park' lamps when actually used for that purpose with the OEM key-switch fully to the left, past the lock position.
I prefer to call that the "automatic battery drain feature"
As per Mitzy and R3Tex, I think it really is a moot function to connect these lamps up - and especially if you have the keyless system;
however even for those who have regular key-switch, how many have actually used the 'park' lights for that specific purpose? I'm certainly not parking
MY bike on any unlit street at night, that might benefit from parking lights being on!!!!