Head count for RAA - Wytheville VA 2017

rips- 2, maybe 3
Rocket Scientist 1 BIKE 2 PEEPS
Paul 1 bike 2 peeps (hoping to add a couple of bikes and peeps -- still one room)
R3Tex - 2 bikes, 2 peeps, 1 room
TO Rocket 1 bike 2 peeps
WyldCFH 1 bike 1 peep possibly 2 bikes 2 peeps(depends on the wife's schedule) 1 room
Hvacnr 1 maybe 2 riders
1K9 - 1 bike, 1 peep, 1 room
Lupe & Lore - 2 bikes - 2 riders - 1 room
Cmdrklassen 1 bike, 1 rider
eric - 1 bike one motorhome one perp...
Warp9.9 - 1 bike - 1 room
Rainman& sweettennbabe 2 bikes 1room - maybe
rips- 2, maybe 3
Rocket Scientist 1 BIKE 2 PEEPS
Paul 1 bike 2 peeps (hoping to add a couple of bikes and peeps -- still one room)
R3Tex - 2 bikes, 2 peeps, 1 room
TO Rocket 1 bike 2 peeps
WyldCFH 1 bike 1 peep possibly 2 bikes 2 peeps(depends on the wife's schedule) 1 room
Hvacnr 1 maybe 2 riders
1K9 - 1 bike, 1 peep, 1 room
Lupe & Lore - 2 bikes - 2 riders - 1 room
Cmdrklassen 1 bike, 1 rider
eric - 1 bike one motorhome one perp...
Warp9.9 - 1 bike - 1 room
Rainman& sweettennbabe 2 bikes 1room - maybe[
Bill and Laurel 2 bikes 1 room maybe 1 more peep and room
rips- 2, maybe 3
Rocket Scientist 1 BIKE 2 PEEPS
Paul 1 bike 2 peeps (hoping to add a couple of bikes and peeps -- still one room)
R3Tex - 2 bikes, 2 peeps, 1 room
TO Rocket 1 bike 2 peeps
WyldCFH 1 bike 1 peep possibly 2 bikes 2 peeps(depends on the wife's schedule) 1 room
Hvacnr 1 maybe 2 riders
1K9 - 1 bike, 1 peep, 1 room
Lupe & Lore - 2 bikes - 2 riders - 1 room
Cmdrklassen 1 bike, 1 rider
eric - 1 bike one motorhome one perp...
Warp9.9 - 1 bike - 1 room
Rainman& sweettennbabe 2 bikes 1room - maybe
Bearpaw 2 bikes 2 people 1 Site at a campground probably
rips- 2, maybe 3
Rocket Scientist 1 BIKE 2 PEEPS
Paul 1 bike 2 peeps (hoping to add a couple of bikes and peeps -- still one room)
R3Tex - 2 bikes, 2 peeps, 1 room
TO Rocket 1 bike 2 peeps
WyldCFH 1 bike 1 peep possibly 2 bikes 2 peeps(depends on the wife's schedule) 1 room
Hvacnr 1 maybe 2 riders
1K9 - 1 bike, 1 peep, 1 room
Lupe & Lore - 2 bikes - 2 riders - 1 room
Cmdrklassen 1 bike, 1 rider
eric - 1 bike one motorhome one perp...
Warp9.9 - 1 bike - 1 room
Rainman& sweettennbabe 2 bikes 1room - maybe
1 bike 2 people will handle hotel on my own.
This is looking like a great get together.

I wonder if one of us will have a drone and take some of those wonderful high perspective shots ?
The last time I rode in Virginia, I took a trip with some fellow Squids through the Blue Ridge scenic drive. We all pulled into the campground that was reserved and everybody got busy setting up camp. I just sat around and a few of my partners were wondering if I was going to set up camp or not. Being a Ex-Marine camping is not on my top ten list. When i explained to them that the motel just down the road had a reservation in my name they were rather surprised. Had a gold wing at the time and they assumed that my camping gear was in the luggage compartments on the bike. This scenario was played out for several late afternoons. I would meet up with them all in the mornings all showered up and full of breakfast. The following year was not invited.:roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll: