Head count for RAA - Wytheville VA 2017

@BillB some good pix bill

Thanks Jay! I have a few more on this irritating "smartphone " that I will try to post with out having to get my 6yo grandson to help me with.

My only regret about the whole trip is I neglected to check the amount of memory was on my SD card and cleaning some old stuff off of it if necessary. Just didn't feel comfortable burning any video without knowing how much I had left so I just went with still shots.

Of course when I plugged it into the laptop I had 38 gigs of free space.
Depending on how early in the spring, I would be in for Maggie. The snow and ice don't melt too early up here in n. mich

Jim Jim Jim, don't tell me that you are going to let a few little things like; single digit temperatures, 60mph cross winds on the mighty mac and 170 miles +/- miles of ice and salt keep you from making a Rocket rally??

Good Lord man, suck it up fer crying out loud!


Honestly, I'm really not stupid. I am just old.

Actually that is about the only thing that I don't like about that headset. AFAIK you have to have a device with a card reader to view or edit the memory card. Of course I write directions on my windshield too.
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