No, I need to go back through the responses, as some said "I'm coming" and didn't update the rolling list.
This is what I have so far:
Trips- 2, maybe 3
Rocket Scientist 1 BIKE 2 PEEPS
Paul 1 bike 2 peeps (hoping to add a couple of bikes and peeps -- still one room) - Tue - Sat
R3Tex - 2 bikes, 2 peeps (Titanic), 1 room 30 July - 5 Aug
TO Rocket 1 bike 2 peeps
WyldCFH 1 bike 1 peep possibly 2 bikes 2 peeps(depends on the wife's schedule) 1 room
Hvacnr 1 maybe 2 riders
1K9 - 1 bike, 1 peep, 1 room
Lupe & Lore - 2 bikes - 2 riders - 1 room
eric - 1 bike one motorhome one perp...
Sonny 1 bike 1 rider
Bearpaw 2 people 2 bikes 1 camp site
— Fri the fourth Sat the fifth only
Warp9.9 - 1 bike - 1 room
Rainman& sweettennbabe 2 bikes 1room - 3-6 Aug
BillB and Laurel 2 bikes 1 room
— maybe 1 more peep and room
BigFoot390 - 1 bike 1 room on my own
Delaware rider - 1 bike 2 people will handle hotel on my own
mully95 - 1 bike- 1 peep
Whingnut 1 bike 1 peep 1room. 30 July - 5 Aug
Netmash- 1 bike, 1 or 2 peeps, 1 room
britman - 1 bike 1 peep - 3-6 Aug
Bedifferent - 1 bike 1 rider - 30 July - 3 Aug - Hillsville
CvSisinthehouse - 1 bike 1 dream
PTT - 1 bike 2 peeps - 31 July - 6 Aug
@Bigj1955 - are you attending ? ]
@UKAlumni93 - are you attending ?]