Boys & Girls,
This rezzie thing is a PITA.
So far I've been reserving (credit card) 8 two bed rooms in my name, Steve Stockinger.
I have told them we are a motorcycle group called RAA.
So far the 15th at the Rodeway Inn in Lewiston, ID and the 17th at the Motel 6 in The Dalles, OR.
The Rodeway Inn in Baker City for the 16th should be confirmed today.
If you call individually and reserve it will not count from my eight rooms, so I guess I need to know who wants a two bed room.
I will be using three of them, so five are left in my block.
Please do this ASAP as July id booking out at most of these cool places we are crashing at.

Noooowwww I get it.

I'm still in. Need to survive the Stearns RAA first. Ready for that. See'ya there.
Our rooms are set!
I have reserved eight rooms, all with double beds. Three of the rooms are for my party, so five are left plus what is still available.
Refer to my name, Steve Stockinger and RAA motorcycle group when you call.

July 15th - Rodeway Inn 208-743-8808
3120 South Hwy - Lewiston, ID

July 16th - Rodeway Inn 541-523-2242
810 Campbell St - Baker City, OR

July 17th - Motel 6 541-296-1191
2500 W 6th St - The Dalles, OR

July 14th, 18th & 19th - Flop at my place - 253 566-9170
808 San Juan Ave Fircrest, WA

July 20th, Dew Drop Inn - 360-374-4055
100 Fern Hill Rd - Forks, WA

Please Call ASAP for your rezzies.
All have cancellations available up to 48 hours.
July is very busy and most are getting booked up already.

T-Shirts are now available!
They are premium quality SS - available in 4 colors - Mens & Womens sizes up to 3XL
RAA West 2018_T.jpg
Closeup of design

Get your RAA West 2018 T-Shirts here:
That was a lot of work!
Sure hope we get a good showing . . .
Gonna Cry.jpg Neener1.jpg
Wow thanks for putting in all the effort, great of you to do this.

So to clarify about the rooms:
Option 1: Call and reserve our room under our name at each place.
Option 2: Take one of the remaining 5 rooms you've already reserved and pay you the cost of each reservation?
Option 3: Am I missing something?
I knew youse be smart!
If one of the five remaining rooms for specific date(s) is desired, notify ONLY me, so I can keep track. You will be able to use your own card once we arrive there.
Boys & Girls,
This rezzie thing is a PITA.
So far I've been reserving (credit card) 8 two bed rooms in my name, Steve Stockinger.
I have told them we are a motorcycle group called RAA.
So far the Sunday, the 15th at the Rodeway Inn in Lewiston, ID and Tuesday, the 17th at the Motel 6 in The Dalles, OR and Friday, the 20th at the Dew Drop Inn in Forks, WA are reserved for eight rooms.
The Rodeway Inn in Baker City for Monday, the 16th should be confirmed today.
If you call individually and reserve it will not count from my eight rooms, so I guess I need to know who wants a two bed room???
I will be using three of them, so five are left in my block.
Please do this ASAP as July is booking out at most of these cool places we are crashing at.
I 'll go double on all the nights meet you at the rodeway in lewiston ( that is if my transmission ever make it back to me from N Y.. these guys doing the back cutting do not phone do not email .. nada how do they stay in business??
I 'll go double on all the nights meet you at the rodeway in lewiston ( that is if my transmission ever make it back to me from N Y.. these guys doing the back cutting do not phone do not email .. nada how do they stay in business??

So then you want one of the two bed rooms?