Head count for raa east 2018

I heard there were some cookies going around that were making people feel woozy. :p
I heard about whacky cookies but you know that ain’t for me. How’s the Carpenter Rocket doing. After my incident drinking that octane boost I never felt like riding your bike maybe next time.:)
I have never abused a bike or car. The last time I took my Bentley GTC in for tires I put in for a warranty claim due to low mileage on worn tires. The Michelin rep mentioned something about abuse.:rolleyes: I thought hey dude you made tires for a 5500 lb. car putting down 640 hp what do you think is going to happen. They wrote the warranty not me. I get a set for $400.:D:D:D:D
I guess that depends on your definition of abuse. :whitstling:

Yes that is the correct spelling. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :thumbsup:

So what's up with your bike? And ask about the turbo.

I think it was Elemental Asian, hadf great reviews. :rolleyes:
That's pretty much what he told me last time I asked. :( Luckily I don't feel too bad as I probably can no longer afford one.
Next is the tryout for the Olimpics and a few other tournaments around the US, TOUGH GIRL!!
thats f***ing awesome (keep us posted)proud parents along with a bunch of proud r3 owners rooting for her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So she won it all???
she must have won it all ?if the olympic try outs are next for her CONGRATS!!!!!!