Head count for raa east 2018

Eso no fue in Win, eso fue una pela. Relentless. Defense by attack. A few fakes and combinations right behind. Always moving forward to control the distance. Lots of progress here. What's next?
We just got home couple hours ago. 2120 miles on the trip including the fantastic riding we did while there! So coming home to an empty house without little Layla here, Laura got right back in the truck to go to the nursing home to see her mom. I jumped right back on the Rocket for another 20 miles to get a huge bottle of tequila. Thanks so much to all y’all for giving us a great few days of so many happy memories........ when I sober up I’ll finish my many thoughts of this great journey.
Love y’all
Eso no fue in Win, eso fue una pela. Relentless. Defense by attack. A few fakes and combinations right behind. Always moving forward to control the distance. Lots of progress here. What's next?

UH Huh . . . Yep . . . For Sure!
Oops.jpg Gonna Cry.jpg
I made it home this morning. Ridding behind good riders to show you a safe way through the forests of Tennessee and Kentucky is hard to match. There is little sight seeing here. You go to Kentucky to Ride and rehydrate. Thank you Wendy and Jay for leading and all who showed.

Ill post some pics later.
Eso no fue in Win, eso fue una pela. Relentless. Defense by attack. A few fakes and combinations right behind. Always moving forward to control the distance. Lots of progress here. What's next?
Next is the tryout for the Olimpics and a few other tournaments around the US, TOUGH GIRL!!
I'm going to have to get younger if I'm going to do this very often... I was sick as a dog from something all day yesterday sat in the lodge parking lot... The meter came off a roadkill around noon today so I was able to pack up and head up to Blue Heron campground to sit in the rain...

Had to be the sushi, me too. I blamed the shrimp taco, but probably too much of a coincidence, as we both had the sushi.
Had to be the sushi, me too. I blamed the shrimp taco, but probably too much of a coincidence, as we both had the sushi.
Sushi in Stearns?:eek: WTF were you thinking, it’s a long way from the ocean.;) Which restaurant had that? Just so I avoid it for sure.