Head count for raa east 2018

The only time i tought i may drop it was in Montrose RAA, my wrist was tender by a recent operation so what did i do to keep from dropping it? i hired my very own reverse and turn around driver, AKA @Steel, HE SAVED MY REAR END ON THAT TRIP, forever grateful:):thumbsup:
Any time my brother. :thumbsup:
I'm just glad no one filmed my "get off" Thursday night.......But if filmed, Ya' would of seen 1 old man pick his bike up, and get it back to pavement under power, (FORGET TO PUT THE KICKSTAND DOWN), drop the bike getting off it to collect my thoughts, picking it back up and riding off DOUBLE PISSED OFF!!! BUTT....ATGATT....proof positive.... Not A Scratch. Rode and thoroughly enjoyed the rest of RAA East.
I have to provide kudos to @teraeric for several times making the RAA wonderful for us, especially adding to our marriage providing my lovely pillion with the notion that we are not alone and she is not totally dependent on me, and as such, has actually suggested after three years that we go on more rides. PRICELESS
I deleted both attachments, after saving them to my PC's desktop. When I initially attempted to upload the originals I saw the same result.

I opened them in an open-source image editor called GIMP, and exported them back out to new JPG filenames. One of them opened up initially in an inverted-state, that GIMP prompted for permission to re-orient to normal position.

Anywho, the attachments below are the exported images. What kind of device (make/model/version) are you using?

1.jpg 2.jpg
The really sad part is that I had a class of students who have that happen with the triumph, pulling around to park, foot slid out on sand in the lot, I held it up as long as I could, but ended up setting it down nice and easy, was a good example of what happens on crap surface sometimes. When things go south, if you can't laugh about it, you need to lighten up (unless it is something serious). Given what we rode through in those few days, I was surprised no one else went down, but hey at least I provided some entertainment so it all good
Where and when did that happen? I don’t remember any gravel U turns?
I figured it out, you're using an Samsung S7, which is what I use. How are you uploading, which browser?
Google chrome. I usually select the picture and after it loads it gives me the opportunity to post picture or attatcha file. But once and a while it will not and only loads as a attatchment. And yes samsung s7