Head count for raa east 2018

Up on the mountain in Pound Virginia a good day of twisties
I can't lie to you all. After three days out east in Va. on the Indian RM and four more in Ky on the rocket my azz was toast. When I got home i thought about crushing up the four ibuprofen and snorting them.:rolleyes:

Rainman sorry about buzzing by you that last day on 52 but I had to go and I knew I had a bunch of miles to get home from there. That sr85 is a hoot ain't it? Did anybody tip over in those hairpins?:roll:
Some DMF here.. Had a blast riding with the group today. Made it back to KnoxVegas safe and sound.. Pleasure meeting up with the group, especially Emerson & Steel. I'll see you around, and if your wanting a tour of Deals Gap and more, let me know! Cheers!

Glad you made it dmf even if it was just for a short ride with us hopefully you can make the next one so we can get to know each other a little bunch of crazy people here but they are all good
Maybe we can get together for some riding on a weekend