Living Legend
My sincerest condolences, it's like losing family. I've had a bunch of dogs, only 2 that were outstanding, my first, and the last real dog before we got rat dogs. Sadie went to work with me every day for 11 years. I worked for a few 200-300 million a year construction companies, at every interview, usually with the CEO, I told them that my dog rides with me, non negotiable item, if you have a problem with that, I'm probably not the guy you want. Sadie got a nerve sheath tumor, I took her to Cornell, they sent me to long island, I spent $8,000 trying to save her, if $80,000 would have done it, I would have mortgaged the house. I told the owner where I worked I was taking off work to take her to Long Island, he said I don't understand, it's just a dog, I told him it's one of those things, if you don't understand, there's no way I could explain it to you. If people were as good as dogs, there would be a lot less problems in the world.
Thank you. You nailed it