Head count for raa east 2018

My sincerest condolences, it's like losing family. I've had a bunch of dogs, only 2 that were outstanding, my first, and the last real dog before we got rat dogs. Sadie went to work with me every day for 11 years. I worked for a few 200-300 million a year construction companies, at every interview, usually with the CEO, I told them that my dog rides with me, non negotiable item, if you have a problem with that, I'm probably not the guy you want. Sadie got a nerve sheath tumor, I took her to Cornell, they sent me to long island, I spent $8,000 trying to save her, if $80,000 would have done it, I would have mortgaged the house. I told the owner where I worked I was taking off work to take her to Long Island, he said I don't understand, it's just a dog, I told him it's one of those things, if you don't understand, there's no way I could explain it to you. If people were as good as dogs, there would be a lot less problems in the world.

Thank you. You nailed it
The line begins
Looks wet for this one but hey we are all family will be good just just see everyone. I might not be in my slingshot have to head to the dealer today might have a rear bearing going out but I Have a 2018 I can bring just don't like it has a roof on it but will head out about 8:15 in the morning but down there by 3 see you all there have safe travels
Looks like they got Rocket power compared to us.........
Mount MI.jpg

Never realized Michigan was that flat, so i had to go see Googlefoo. :rolleyes:
Florida is the flattest with a maximum high of just 345 feet.
Delaware, DC and Lezzyanna are flattys as well. :D
LOL, @1olbull named Dave and I perfectly, Oscar and Felix, he'll be here in a half hour, I guess I better start packing. In Spearfish, when Steve called us that, Dave looked at me sadly and said 'but I don't want to be Felix". I said it is what it is, bro, he said I know.