Head count for raa east 2018

Okay, here is my revised plan since I am riding by my lonesome now. I will stick very close to this barring any unforeseen road issues. I plan to leave early in the morning to be there before supper time!

@Boog if the weather is looking rougher in taking the same route but starting Norfolk. I could me you up on 81.
You didn't fall for Venus Van Dam, did you?

I still love the Eva concept, hot blond chick with a bad attitude and a shotgun. My kind of gal. The similarities in the story lines on Justified were so close to reality of Eastern, Kentucky I wondered who the writers were contacting to verify content. I own every episode of every season on dvd. Lawless the movie is close to the truth too. My kin folks got their first REAL money during prohibition selling to thugs from Chicago, Detroit and New York. They didn't tolerate outsiders that brought their world into ours. Money however was welcomed.
we be rolling from the bsfm at 09:00 (thanks for the ride maps w)... guy at the whistlestop said wendy said that's what we do... that's the story and we're sticking to it... now i have to go kick the dog to wake him up...
we be rolling from the bsfm at 09:00 (thanks for the ride maps w)... guy at the whistlestop said wendy said that's what we do... that's the story and we're sticking to it... now i have to go kick the dog to wake him up...
Don't wait for me. I'm down in Tennessee. Cya tonight
Looks like the boudin, & cracklins will arrive this afternoon. Somebody please check on it. It's probably on dry ice, and should be ok for a while, but if we could get it in a working fridge that would be great. Thanks!