Head count for Josey's cooking supplies in WV

@tribal reply with your numbers on this thread. The reason that I opened this one is that this was a last minute thing for the chef. I have done my share of event cooking so I understand better than most about what Glen is up against.

The other threads got off in the weeds and with the cancellations from the Kungflu throwing a monkey wrench in the works, we needed to know the numbers ASAP.

As I wasnt the OP on the other threads I couldn't keep editing the OP so Glen can just go to the first post and see updated numbers without having to sort through the whole thread.

Are you coming with @Ham42 as his +1 or should I add you as a stand alone number?

Sorry for the confusion brudda, up until Wendy posted 'who wants josey to cook' I was operating on the assumption that we were going to have to fend for ourselves on the food.

No problem, I just stumbled upon this post and was scratching my head.

I am solo.
I will alert my potential roommate about this new Post and he can reply if he is coming.
No problem, I just stumbled upon this post and was scratching my head.

I am solo.
I will alert my potential roommate about this new Post and he can reply if he is coming.
Yes, I'm coming. Might need to add a floor space for another ;-)
With three posts going for heads counts I feel like the grandfather in the movie 'Moonstruck' who says "I'm confused'. In any event, as posted elsewhere there are 3 of us Yogi, Tribal Jim and me who are more than happy to pitch in funds for the cookout- We'll be there Wed, Thur & Fri nights.Hope that helps.
You're good @DHarvey I have you in there as yogi's +1 I'll go change it

List updated currently 22 by my count