Harleys are the Airstreams of Motorcycles

The big Yamaha cruisers out Harley the Harleys in every way and with Japanese reliability and sound great as well I have been tempted a couple of times to buy one ,but I wanted a fast Touring bike that corners well

K1600gtl handles better than it has any right to. The bike itself is pretty sterile but tough to complain about otherwise. Triumph is virtually giving the Trophy away and it handles like a champ but after owning a rocket the little 1215 kinda left me limp.
My local HD dealer has a 2016 left over Road Glide for $14,500 brand spanking new! I almost, and do say ALMOST dropped coin on it. But resisted.
IVE owned several HARLEYS that I took as trade ins and never wanted to ride them I dont care for them and are not the bikes for the way and I ride and Iwas at the dealer and they are discounting big time $7000 off trying to dump the new bikes sales are way off .
The only things that have left me limp has been three Ex-wife's
I have only one thing to add and it is ONLY a generalization.
One is a club
The other is a CULT