I was feeling up my truck the other day with my nephew and I was talking to him about octane ratings. A man at the next pump heard me talking and introduced himself as a chemist that works for Exxon Mobil. He explained to me that all the problems that have cropped up recently with ethanol is not ethanols problem. The problem he stated is ethanols interaction/reaction with additives that are required to be added by the EPA. I think fuel will Fluoresce under certain light. This helps emergency responders know what they are dealing with during an accident. Ethanol has been around as a fuel for well over 100 years. Henry Fords first car ran on pure ethanol.
He said he with 8 other chemists are working on this and will release their findings. It is another case of the government F---ing things. You should look at how many additives are added to gasoline and in turn released into environment.
He said he with 8 other chemists are working on this and will release their findings. It is another case of the government F---ing things. You should look at how many additives are added to gasoline and in turn released into environment.