Hardstreet slim bags


.020 Over
Jul 6, 2013
Burton on Trent UK
Hi all

Does anyone have hardstreet slim bags with easy brackets on ther R3R?

I've just had some arrive from he states and from initial positioning attempts I don't believe I can get them to fit on the bike without them obstructing my pillions legs.

Any help really appreciated


Are you an Aussie, mate?
Might be nice if you sort of introduced yourself......
In life, walking into a room full of strangers and just launching into a question doesn't necessarily get you the answers you want. Same on here.

I don't care if you're an Aussie or an Assie. I had Slimbags on a T-Bird and they were mounted on EZ's so that the front cut outs fit perfectly over the shocks. There was no issue for the passenger. The Rocket sits higher so you should be able to mount the bags lower.
You're right dougl. If someone has no manners it makes no difference where they're from.

And well done TC; we're proud of you.
Apologies for being rude, no offence was meant

A little about me, I'm in the UK, a small town famous for beer and marmite called Burton on Trent

I've had bikes all my life ,started on a Yam fs1e with highlights being bikes such as the rd350, cbr 600, laverda 750, and aprilia mille.

Was off bikes for a few years and then got back into biking via a thunderbird 1600, loved that bike, did a few you tube vids of the Tbird that have since received over 100k hits between them.

Always had a rocket 3 itch since riding one a few since riding one a few years ago and so became the proud owner of a matte black A2 roadster model a few weeks ago

My wife, lizzie, and I are heading to Italy in a few weeks time so I purchased the previously mentioned bags and brackets but it seems the only way to get the bags to sit on the brackets properly means that my wife is not able to place her feet on the pegs as usual.

By positioning the bags further back, only one of the fixing holes has any purchase on the flattened area on the back of the bags. The other 3 are in clear air...

Hope that helps explain a little about me and my difficulty

Further apologies to any Aussie reading this post following the defeat by the Lions... And further apologies in advance of your loss in the Ashes series...


We're Aussies not Ozzies and who or what is an Emily Post ??

Some sort of etiquette queen back in the 1920s. Dougl thinks we're out of line suggesting a bloke might get more help on here if he takes the trouble to introduce himself. Dougl needs to take a chill pill.