Hard to get into any gear!


Sep 6, 2007
Wilson, North Carolina
2017 Roadster
My 2017 Roadster suddenly did not want to go into 3rd gear. I tried a few times while it was rolling and after several attempts, got it into gear. It kept going into false neutrals. The gear indicator would show it was in a gear, but it was not.
I could get it into all of the gears, but each one would take a lot of shifter movement to finally get a gear engaged.
I was able to limp it home under its own power, but now I’m wondering what happened?
Any ideas on a fix and cost?
This might be an obvious question but how's your clutch adjustment?
Someone had suggested that, and it was fine. I did tighten it up a bit more and still the same.
I’d think that even with the cable not adjusting correctly, it could still go up and into a gear? Hitting the shift lever provides no resistance up or down at times.
Like was said
Broken detent spring
If you do a search then you will more than likely come up with more reading and pictures than you want to read.
Also a lot sometimes there are some good threads under your post
"Hard to get into any gear" sounds like the clutch dragging.
If it isn't the detent spring and the clutch is working properly, that pretty much leaves the shifting mechanism. Sounds like you will need to remove the front clutch cover plate for an inspection of the internal parts.