When I first saw this bike I was pretty excited by the advertising. I love the Boss Hog V-8's but they're just to limited by their size and I've always wondered why no one has cut the V-8 to a 6 or a 4?
A few weeks ago I saw one at a parts store so I turned around and followed him to the next stop and he gladly and proudly gave me a complete rundown on the whole bike which he'd been riding for about 6 months and one long cross country from Denver to Virginia.
It is clearly well designed and machined and he claimed handling and comfort were excellent. The thing that surprised me the most was the sound? It sounded terrible in my opinion, nothing remotely close to the sounds in the promotions? So different in fact that my first thought while he was describing it is that they have to have engineered a sound artificially for the advertisements?
Everyone has different tastes for the sound they want so I get that. I mentioned my surprise to him and he agreed and said that's what he was doing at the auto parts store, trying to find different size freeze plugs that he could use to yank the baffles out and change it?

I didn't ride it but after talking with him I let that one go from my subconscious yearning to try list. He was still excited by it though so I was glad for him.
It's also curious that no one can explain the need for the motor axis to be tilted like that, makes no sense to me and doesn't look right?
I walked away feeling a little bit sorry for the guy? He could have bought a brand new Triumph Rocket 3 and a spare to put in the garage in case his transmission crapped out

and still had money for new tires and goodies.