When you require service and possibly warranty there is no distributor or product knowledge specific service centre in NZ, so I question the long term choice you have made. We have evidenced a set of Rocket 3 specific Wilbers and frankly I wasnt impressed with their ride quality compared to what we have achieved with Ohlins. Whilst there was indeed adjustability you cannot adjust out internal mass flow high speed compression damping that is too aggressive for our road conditions. Moreover, your choice but your money has gone offshore and those that made the profit out of them neither employ locals or return their profits into our local economy. Think about that if your job security is threatened by aggressive overseas competition that is not always taxed when it comes across the border. I make no apologies to be a total patriot to the viability of local businesses and the everyday Kiwi families that rely on same for meaningful employment
Case in point here, the customer here decided he wanted slightly softer springs, he had them within a day or two of talking to us, because we are local and abundantly aware of the roads we have. We knew there was a main choice of two main alternate spring rates that he would settle upon.
My 2 cents worth and there is no wish to play further forum tennis, my business needs my time moreso