Group Buy - GI Pro ATRE

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Not to get off topic about the modified tunes......but......Im interested in the GIPro.
Thanks for the effort in organizing this!


Sorry, a little late to the party here. Since I wasn't interested in the GI Pro I wasn't following this thread.

The notes on that tune are outdated. The tune was developed though a series of dyno runs on my R3T and an original tune from Wayne. I started with the setup noted in the tune, and then progressed to the triple filters. After making some modifications to the tune from my dyno runs, Wayne got his hands on an R3T and finished the tune. His tune was done on a bike with 3 of his foam pod filters and a set of TORS as I recall.

That tune will accomplish everything that the GI Pro offers, and more.

And yes, on the R3T replacing the stock mufflers eliminates the cats as they are the mufflers, not in a separate housing.
Not to get off topic about the modified tunes......but......Im interested in the GIPro.
Thanks for the effort in organizing this!

We know from experience that whenever the GiPro is mentioned, the Tuneboy guys have to cut it up. I'm used to it turning into a Tuneboy discussion.
Thats when it's time to start another thread and move on.
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It's a good idea to compare the fuel and other tables in different tunes, especially the one you're using versus something else. I have done all kinds of crap to do this, including printing tables with a screen capture program, saving the table as *.csv and working with it in Excel.

The easiest way is to open TuneEdit twice (in 2 windows), import 2 different tunes, and squeeze the windows vertically so you can see the same table in both tunes. In one tune, toggle between the ignition tables and you can see right away where they're different as a function of gear.
We know from experience that whenever the GiPro is mentioned, the Tuneboy guys have to cut it up. I'm used to it turning into a Tuneboy discussion.
Thats when it's time to start another thread and move on.

Yeah those Tune Boys (pun intended) can have fun tweaking, I actually have no current plans to switch out the pipes or add the triples just yet. Of course my wish list is large in the modify category, I just cant justify it. So the GIpro is a good fit for me at the moment. Down the road (this winter) I may get brave and pull the secondaries!
Just depends on how long a winter it is.

any idea what this will be going for yet? would like to know before commiting.


2006 R3 (Darksider)
Portsmouth Va.

Jeff there is no need to commit to anything until you have all the info necessary to make an informed decision to either purchase or not.

I am waiting to hear from the site administration here regarding how to post the info for this group buy. Preferably, it will be done in a manner which will allow each participant to order and deal directly with the vendor who is providing us with the item, nicely discounted and with a modest shipping fee.

I/we must agree not to discuss the price that has been offered to the group publically in these forums so as not to get the vendor/authorized dealer into hot water with either the master distributor or the manufacturer of the GI Pro ATRE.

I will say that we have been offered the item at a significant discount to the rigidly fixed price the item is selling for anywhere I have found it ($162.99). Please don't send me messages telling me that you have found the item for less as it is either an old, invalid price or you are looking at some model other than the ATRE. Any important info that one might want to bring to my attention should be directed my way via PM, please!
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Not to get off topic about the modified tunes......but......Im interested in the GIPro.
Thanks for the effort in organizing this!


Huh... Wha... I thought this thread was about promoting a group buy for interested members!

I have no problem with you Tuneboy boys riffing about your tunes, but would you mind terribly doing that over on the tech talk forum or in your own thread just to help keep this one uncomplicated? The courtesy would be greatly appreciated!

Your interest is noted, Kmutt and you are most welcome. I hope to have the buy operational by the weekend!
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