Group Buy - GI Pro ATRE

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I will defer to Hellfire on the details of installation as he's already done it(there is an existing thread here explaining the install, so searching for it is recommended). The install, as I understand it, is very easy and should take no more than ten minutes for all but the most mechanically challenged. Essentially the unit is plug and play in nature and the install involves simply removing two pins from the???in order to allow for the GI Pro unit to be plugged in. The pins to be removed are rather small and delicate and care must be taken in their removal. Once that is done "It's so easy, a caveman can do it!"

As for removal of the secondaries, that's a whole other kettle of fish, however my understanding is that it's quite straightforward and there is either a sticky thread explaining the entire procedure or you can find that info using the search function here, as well.
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The two pins to be relocated into the plugs on the GiPro are from the GPS plugs on the bike. The plug in question is located behind the triangular plastic panel with the round hole plug, left side of the bike aft of the oil tank. The piece of trim where the ignition switch relocation would go.
Thats the hardest part of the install and it's pretty easy to do. Just remember to set the ATRE option on the display, it comes deactivated out of the box.

Removing the secondairies is just a matter of taking the air plenum off the tops of the throttle bodies, then two little screws on each upper throttle plate. The plates lift right out, it's the cheapest mod you can do. The only thing is ... once you've gone to the trouble of removing the air plenum, and a couple extra duct hoses ... you'll rather put K&N's on the TB's rather than reinstall all that plastic B.S. If thats the case, you might want to save the effort and do the GiPro, throttleplates and K&N's all at the same time. Just be careful the next time you ride after that, she'll try to jump out from under you.
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Cool... just waiting for site mgr's final approval!

There was a thread with pictures of where the pins are located, but i'm having trouble finding it. Maybe someone else can locate the thread and redirect it here?
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group pricing?

any idea what this will be going for yet? would like to know before commiting.


2006 R3 (Darksider) :D
Portsmouth Va.
Will this provide any more power if you already have Tuneboy or can Tuneboy make this adjustment? I wouldn't mind a gear I indicator but wouldn't need the ATRE if Tuneboy already does it. Pig9r suggested that it wouldn't be necessary with a Tuneboy.
Will this provide any more power if you already have Tuneboy or can Tuneboy make this adjustment? I wouldn't mind a gear I indicator but wouldn't need the ATRE if Tuneboy already does it. Pig9r suggested that it wouldn't be necessary with a Tuneboy.

It's not necessary with Tuneboy, which lets you open the secondaries in all gears, copy ignition tables for one gear into tables for another gear, modify ignition and fuel tables, remove speed and rev limiters, correct the speedometer, and run diagnostics.
It's not necessary with Tuneboy, which lets you open the secondaries in all gears, copy ignition tables for one gear into tables for another gear, modify ignition and fuel tables, remove speed and rev limiters, correct the speedometer, and run diagnostics.

As a Tuneboy rookie, I guess I'll need to learn how to do all those things. So far I just downloaded the 138 hp tune to the ECU. It runs great, so I have to assume the rev limiters were taken care of in that tune. I removed the secondaries when I installed the K & N Triples. Thanks for the info!!
I'm IN!!! But, I want it NOW!!!

I love doing wheelies BUT.... I have found, more power can get in the way of raising the wheel!?!?!? Along with the Nev cams, I'm running a 245 Cooper and it lites it up without even using the clutch in low. It takes a delicate touch to keep from losing traction and having it hook up to raise up the front wheel. Then, it is even more delicate to keep it from coming up too high :eek:

But..... like Tim the Tool-man says.... MORE POWER!!!!!

As a Tuneboy rookie, I guess I'll need to learn how to do all those things. So far I just downloaded the 138 hp tune to the ECU. It runs great, so I have to assume the rev limiters were taken care of in that tune. I removed the secondaries when I installed the K & N Triples. Thanks for the info!!

What tune are you using? Didn't you copy tables from another tune into the stock tune for TORs? Tuneboy leaves it up to the user to increase the speed and rev limits, for obvious reasons.
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