Grief about owning a British bike?

Everyone has said everything there is to be said - the most important thing is what you think and want to ride. If the guys who give you grief are going to buy you a new HD, rice burner, Indian whatever then that’s fine. But if not stick to your guns and ride that Rocket hard matey! I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve been pulled over by the Rozzers for supposedly “speeding” (me officer???) and ending up with nothing More than chatting about my “amazing Triumph” and a verbal slap on the wrist, whilst all the haters are lined up handing over their hard earned cash! Riding a bike isn’t about a brand etc... it’s a passion and what you feel inside - and you my friend are smart enough to know the way true way to fulfil that feeling is with a Rocket! Hear endeth the lesson.
Now go and buy that Rocket!!!

The force in you is strong Billy Indiana.... only at the end do you realise the force of the Rocket..(or something like that)
I work on bikes on the side. I have worked on a few HD bikes. Of course I have to test ride them before and after the work. I find their antiquated designs makes them very hard to ride. So even though I do not like them because of how hard they are to ride, I have to respect the guys who can and do ride them. Especially the bar hopping drunks.
Why thank you Been to some bars that were a bit far apart (92,000 miles bought new in 2010) Sold it and came back like a lost puppy. #hit
Well, I've SO enjoyed this thread, brothers. I ended up with the Rocket - got it last week. I'm SUPER pumped!

Well done my son!!! Beautiful machine! And just remember, when you buy your second Rocket, you’ve got enough grunt to hitch that U-Haul onto the bike and tow it home! Using your Rocket Around The House helpful hints number 27!
Wow! Somebody put some money into that one. What a beauty. I've got to look back in the thread to find the details on that one. Love it.

And on the Harley riders, I've never hand any, not even one, criticize my Rocket or me for riding it. On the contrary, I've had a lot of compliments. A couple of years ago while riding with my son in upstate Maryland, we stopped at a great outdoor tavern that sits along the upper Chesapeak Bay; or was it the Susquehanna River....No matter. We had a brew with my son's Army friend and when we went out into the parking area saw quite a few Harleys, guys crowded around my son's (formerly mine) 07 go fast Classic. . None had seen one up close previously, asked a lot of questions and found it to be an amazing machine.

The same thing happened when I stopped at a local tavern, for my one beer, my new to me 09 Touring. I lost track of the compliments.

Not that I care but most Harley riders don't have an issue with Brit or German bikes/riders.