Gremlins, they happen to everyone.

@John Miller credit goes to John for posting about experience and success going with .64. It got me curious and sure enough, it's better.

This has also, so far, solved the problem many rockets suffer, where closing the throttle completely and quickly will cause them to stall because the ISCV doesn't act fast enough. I've had it occasionally since brand new, and it was exacerbated with the built engine, now it falls to 750 for 2-3 seconds and recovers to 1,000 as it should.
Cool on my list of checks and settings now. I remeber Fred aka rocket scientist has had his up for years. No power commander units but it eliminated alot of the bugs he had.
My own experience with confirming TPS movement from idle was through the use of both a wideband O2 sensor and a OBD2 reader. Whilst factory set at .60V as the throttle was moved through to 1% there was lag in TPS movement and the O2 reading would go very lean. After correcting and resetting the TPS to.64V the TPS would register the slightest movement without going lean, that occasional intake backfire is the indicator that you have the dreaded throttle / TPS lag. To correct the TPS lag adjust the TPS to .64V and ISCV to .76V - happy days.
My own experience with confirming TPS movement from idle was through the use of both a wideband O2 sensor and a OBD2 reader. Whilst factory set at .60V as the throttle was moved through to 1% there was lag in TPS movement and the O2 reading would go very lean. After correcting and resetting the TPS to.64V the TPS would register the slightest movement without going lean, that occasional intake backfire is the indicator that you have the dreaded throttle / TPS lag. To correct the TPS lag adjust the TPS to .64V and ISCV to .76V - happy days.

Thanks for that John and you also Rob. Sounds like the solution for the last worrisome issue on mine.

Are the adjustments made with tuneecu or mechanical adjustments to the TPS and ISCV while monitoring the voltage readings in the datastream?
I know, I'm kind of gushing, but Jesus it's like someone took my bike and replaced with the same build but different one. It's perfect again!! So happy.

Hopefully will be as ecstatic as you by next weekend Rob. Got any idea what you use to replace the fluid in your 4 tube manometer which is dried out because you haven't used it for so long?