Greetings from Ukraine.

It isn't about proof or anything. I just don't like the taste of bourbon. Can't say I've tried many. Off the top of my head I'd name Jim Beam (White and Black both), Makers Mark, Four Roses... And something much more special that I don't remember the name for.

I'm more keen on Tennessee whisky, which can also considered to be bourbon (don't throw any rocks at me for saying this). However, that'd be my drink of choice only if the choice would be limited to vodka and, say, JD.

It's this sweet 'n sour note that I don't like...
It isn't about proof or anything. I just don't like the taste of bourbon. Can't say I've tried many. Off the top of my head I'd name Jim Beam (White and Black both), Makers Mark, Four Roses... And something much more special that I don't remember the name for.

I'm more keen on Tennessee whisky, which can also considered to be bourbon (don't throw any rocks at me for saying this). However, that'd be my drink of choice only if the choice would be limited to vodka and, say, JD.

It's this sweet 'n sour note that I don't like...
I used to drink Mr Beam but once I tasted the knob creek i never went back. They are totally different. Although I will say my mom gave me a 10 pin of 10 year aged beam and it was mighty fine. I'm guessing that was over 20 years ago. Now my dad had a still. Down sized versipn he would run on the gas stove complete with dry ice condenser. Darn good stuff he made. But that went away when the put someome elses liver in him. Polocks are like Catholics often when you see four of them you'll see a fifth :D
There is no accounting or tastes. I enjoy a good, and I mean good, Vodka but also a fine Canadian and one of my favorites, Jack Daniels Single Barrel. Tin Cup whiskey and McKenna 100 proof single barrel will also occasionally have a home in my shop spirits cabinet .

On Canadian I had a surprise while riding in the northern Yukon territory in 2015. I went into a bar and, not being familiar with anything I saw on the shelf, asked which were their better Canadians. The bartender looked at me as if I was from Mars and had no idea what I was talking about. After much head scratching she asked me if I meant rye, which is what they call a Canadian in the Great White North. Funny.

Now if you drink an American rye whiskey like Bulleit, to me you're drinking true fire water and should be wearing a cowboy hat and six shooter. Very harsh.
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I used to drink Mr Beam but once I tasted the knob creek i never went back. They are totally different. Although I will say my mom gave me a 10 pin of 10 year aged beam and it was mighty fine. I'm guessing that was over 20 years ago. Now my dad had a still. Down sized versipn he would run on the gas stove complete with dry ice condenser. Darn good stuff he made. But that went away when the put someome elses liver in him. Polocks are like Catholics often when you see four of them you'll see a fifth :D

Knob Creek is fine - Bulleit 10 year better,
Okay, now I need a cowboy hat! :)

American rye whiskey like Bulleit

Got this. Have some of it every now and then. However, I enjoy Dad's Hat more. I also have some other bottle of American rye, yet I'll need to check the bottle for a name. My good friend has brought it for me from the US, saying that it was one of the best.
You shouldn't have a problem finding The Kraken in Spain.
