crash bars have only ever done one thing for the rockets of all generations, do a little protecting as low speed drops or completely total the bike otherwise at anything over 10mph
ill say it again, if you can $ a new rocket, you can $ the damage form learning how to not drop it or insurance will cover if someone else is at fault. those still look just as safe as depending on a shopping cart to protect you from a hippo attack, the skills you learn on other bikes should transfer to the rocket, learn to ride, stop depending on chinesium to protect anything. even if you have these you still will damage your ride on the back side in a drop.
those welds are pathetically small!
ill say it again, if you can $ a new rocket, you can $ the damage form learning how to not drop it or insurance will cover if someone else is at fault. those still look just as safe as depending on a shopping cart to protect you from a hippo attack, the skills you learn on other bikes should transfer to the rocket, learn to ride, stop depending on chinesium to protect anything. even if you have these you still will damage your ride on the back side in a drop.
those welds are pathetically small!