Good choice for crash bars for my 23 GT

crash bars have only ever done one thing for the rockets of all generations, do a little protecting as low speed drops or completely total the bike otherwise at anything over 10mph
ill say it again, if you can $ a new rocket, you can $ the damage form learning how to not drop it or insurance will cover if someone else is at fault. those still look just as safe as depending on a shopping cart to protect you from a hippo attack, the skills you learn on other bikes should transfer to the rocket, learn to ride, stop depending on chinesium to protect anything. even if you have these you still will damage your ride on the back side in a drop.
those welds are pathetically small!
More than anything, it's about saving one's legs. Especially on the right side with the hot pipe. Drops below 10mph is not bad either.
leg? I had my leg pinned under the entire wight of a HD, my riding boot that has a shin plate did 100% of the job keeping 99% of the pressure off my leg, I was riding b!tsh!!! started getting hot, my ankle was trapped and PINNED against the strait pipe, the leather was burnt bad but the ankle and shin plate worked exactly as designed. i would have broken my leg for sure if i was not wearing that gear... and again, i say trying to find justification for "training wheel insurance crash bars on a rocket or other high end non trick learning bikes have no reason to exist other than as an accessory ... highway pegs, lights and the once or twice a life time of saving a few bucks on a paint correction. I have full protection on my ninja because me and my wife have dropped it about a dozen times learning how to not do things primarily emergency stopping on gravel! On that and some other bikes, if they go down, the brake leaver punctures the clutch cover... NOT good. I have no ill will to putting on crash bars or fall protection but i do argue that the reason most do is pointless. BUT HEY, that's why we ride more than one type or make of motorcycle, DO WHAT YOU WANT and how you want to do it for any reason and i will fight to the death to defend your right to do so, but you will hear me complain for sure!
Point well taken. Sorry to hear about your experience. I also had an experience 30 years ago. At that time, it was no rocket, just a 150cc bike. A drunk driver on the wrong side hit me on the right. The right fork was twisted; break pedal, crash guard, right foot peg and pipe were neatly chopped of. I saved my leg by instinctively (meaning, I really don't know how I did it) jumping on to the left side but still holding the handlebar. Bike fell on me on the left side. My leg was trapped, but the remaining part of the crash bar on the left side took the brunt of the fall. A bystander lifted the bike off me. I escaped with a minor foot injury. Helmet and jacket took care of the rest. That's what I experienced as a youngster. The fear is still there, but not enough to make me quit riding. Now I ride with an Airbag and all other kinds of protective gear. Perhaps, all of these will be useless in a certain scenario. Or may be it will help in a situation like what I encountered once. Who knows....just riding and having fun of my life
i forget the, and im not looking it up, real numbers here but something like 60% of all injuries on a motorcycle is a foot /ankle injury, 2nd on the list is collar bone from helmet impact, then arm/hand, then head, chest and hip are on the bottom of the list. 5 things that are a must on all rides even to the gas station and back are at the bare minimum a good set of leather boots that cover the ankle preferably with a ankle guard, my pitboss boots do the trick for casual quick rides, something durable with long selves, jeans, helmet, and gloves. i don't ATGAT much as i should but at least the basics! The Icon 1000 Elsinore HP I primarily use has a steel shinguard that apparently will hold a motorcycle from crushing your leg! the big ticket is having a boot that spreads out the load to your leg meat, the surface area distribution goes a LONG WAY in to keeping your bones from snapping!
IMO air bags are for those who ride hard enough and risky enough that it becomes more of a "i know im going to cause a crash so ill just add insurance to my gear" I know this is flawed logic here but when i ride ATGAT i am way less concerned with safety so i take more risks... so in my mind wearing less gear makes me a better rider??? idk
Crash bars for me are more so protecting the exhaust from getting rashed. If i crash i crash and bars will do whatever they can to do more good or bad im not concerned with that so much as i am my personal safety vs a $5,000 bike vs a $50,000 hospital bill etc... I have a set of rear guards i have to put on and will do so when i put my newly acquired Corbin bags on after my custom rebuild im planning. I want to teach my wife how to ride this beast and im going to make custom PVC sleeves that keep the bash bars from getting rashed so she can drop it.
My first Rocket III fell over 3 times while stopped. These tip overs were in slow motion. I had faux leather bags which significantly cushioned the fall and protected the exhaust. I had stock engine guards which worked well . Once, the shifter got bent but I bent it back in a vise.
I probably hold the record for letting the bike to fall over
the 2007 were one tuff machine just a few scratches on the crash bars and muffs
Is that a crack starting to develop right in front of that back bolt at the shifter down to that unused hole?
Not a crack. It is just the un-welded along that joint. I noticed this as well and looked on the vender page and saw they only welded a very short part of this joint. You would think the entire joint would be welded. Not a welder, so what do I know ??
It won't matter. The force to overcome the welded area will destroy more than the bars
@3-D, any chance you can post the close-up pictures of the mounting points on both sides of the frame please ?