Now I'll never have the power of the rocket with tis but do you think I'll leave it stock lol already looked at the 124 ci and the new S&S 143 ci for it lol

I figured as much. I like the S&S as they seem to last a little longer with that kind of power...careful with the stock HD motors and juicing them up too much. My experience is that they last about 20k miles or so before gutting themselves
You won't be wrenching on the new scoot. If you get lonely because your not spinning your nuts (and bolts) on the HD, I'll bring my Touring over and we can spin some new HP on the Rocket. Just to keep you in practice for when you get another one. Congratz on the new very sweet looking Harley Freaking Davidson. Come to Milwaukee and I'll take you on a Tour of "The Museum."
Mid life thing I don't know something different I guess I'm sure I'll get another one in a few years and mod it out just to have the rocket is a fun a unique bike but I've had a ruff few years with somethings and just decided it was time to have a item that I didn't really need just a want kind of like the guy that buys a Vette just because he can all be it the bike don't have power:p and I've never bought a new off the floor HD now I can say I have lol

I have been there and done that mid-life thingy myself. :(
You enjoy that sucker as much as possible! :thumbsup:
In time, when you figure out you are actually NOT old and you do NOT have to grow up, you'll come back to the monster! :D :inlove
Watcher--nice bike, Bro. We were all "chosen" with the intuitive know how involved in "knowing" and enjoying the beast between our legs, whomever that beast is.
Remember, "4 wheels-move the body, but 2 wheels move the SOUL"

Safe riding my friend, no problem seeing you on the boards, and who in their right mind only has 1 motorcycle? Maybe your other could be a Rocket?
Mrs wanted the "ultra low" because the Rocket was beating her up too much. Been there done that! Like R3Tex suggested be careful how much juice you add to the twin cam.
I've had many bikes, lots of Harleys, even one off the showroom once. I still have two V8 powered bikes along with a Rocket Touring that I bought new a couple of months ago. Its fun to buy a new bike, maybe not real smart but it feels good anyway. I don't like having things like everyone else has anymore so the V8 bikes and the Rocket fall into the "you don't see those often category." Harleys are good bikes and you got a nice one, have fun. I'm 73 so quite a bit passed the "mid life crisis" now its the "better get it while you still can" crisis.
Congrats Adam, you are still just as Welcome here Mate and who knows what he future holds you may end up with another Rocket as well as the HD, It is a nice looking bike, I like that Paint