hey thanks for the tutorial on the gipro. i'm going to likely be installing one on my 08 classic soon and this was valuable information for me. usually the destructions they send with most accessories are a bit vague whereas the instructions that you gave are far simpler for a simple mind like mine to digest. thanks again.
Bring it to Tulsa to the Triumph dealer tomorrow, and we'll hook it up there.
Me and Jeremy (NMRocket) are gonna try to be there when they open up,
or shortly thereafter.
Heck, you can ride mine and see if you even want it or not.
Ever tried the darkside?
You can tomorrow if you want..
just show up and we'll get your Gi-Pro hooked up
and you can look at my mount and see what you think..
Hi Pig9r, i have GiPro with ATRE on my R3R with the secondary removed, enjoyed the way it pulls and only till recently, my revs can only climb to max 5800rpm at all gears and it cant go any higher, and speed cuts at 220kph, but when i set to stock mode, it rev up to 6500rpm, any idea what could be wrong? Thanks.
Just installed my GIpro and it was crazy easy. I just tapped unto the switched power under the tank from my Eastern Beaver conversion and done. The unit itself fits awesome in between the gauges, it's nice and tight and out of sight. As for removing the pins out of the connectors I just used a 12v test light with a super sharp point, popped them right out of there.
A GI Pro ATRE is installed on my 08 Rocket 3 that I just purchased. Can someone please explain how this works and what settings are best. Sorry for my naivety, so give me a break.
A GI Pro ATRE is installed on my 08 Rocket 3 that I just purchased. Can someone please explain how this works and what settings are best. Sorry for my naivety, so give me a break.

Firstly it's a gear indicator. However, it's the ATRE (Automatic Timing Retard Eliminator) feature that's most interesting. Because the unit connects directly to the bike's gear position sensor it both reads/displays the gear you are in and sends a signal to the ECU to let the bike know what gear it is in. On earlier model Rockets (up to 2014) the timing was retarded in the first three gears aimed at restricting power and I believe controlling emissions. This was done through different mapping and timing for the different gears. The nifty thing is that the GIPro can tell fibs and, when in the right setting, can trick the ECU into thinking that the bike is always in 4th gear. By doing this the ECU maps the bike accordingly, effectively removing the restriction.

There are several settings for the unit. Can't recall them all, but the one without any restriction is setting 3. On another, you have the restriction only in 1st gear, which can be useful in the wet, at least while you're getting used to the bike. In that setting the unit only tells the the ECU your in 4th once you've changed out of 1st. Perhaps you can have it restricted in 1and 2 as well; I don't recall. Mine's set on 3 and always has been.

You can also use it just as a gear indicator with the full restrictions in place. This is useful if you don't want your skirt to flap in the breeze too much...
Hey Canberra,
Thanks for the info. I googled it and found out kinda what it does but the information about how it relates to the Rocket 3 is good to know. Great website with good helpful folks. Thanks again!
I put it on my touring and I love having the gear indicator. It does improve performance in my opinion, but I have only been able to run it on setting 2. On setting 3, it caused my bike to surge a lot as at least one other person noted in another post. I haven't been able to run it with that setting. Has anyone else noticed surging on the 3rd setting?