67 and loving it especially when the grandkids show up. Getting old would really suck if it wasn't for them and retirement and good health and the Rocket and getting up at 5:30 am because I can even if I don't have too and living in this country and and and...

The old saying.... Grandkids are the reward we get for not killing our own kids.... something like that.... :)
I spent the day working on the exterior of my home. I pointed up a few grout spots on one of my fireplace chimneys. Kind of a pain in the a—. Then I got my backpack blower and climbed on the roof. A couple of the roof valleys had leaf debis . Once I blew off the roof, I took a break. I went to the local grocery store. We were low on water softener salt, so I bought six bags.
Now I want all of you to use your imagination. I’m 6’2” tall, kind of fat and 61 years young. I had to back my pickup up to the salt pallets. I went to the back of the truck and lowered the tailgate. As I’m looking for the salt marked rust preventer or Iron out. Along come a young man who must have been 6’6” tall. Probably good for 240 lbs. BIG MAN. He looks at me, sizes me up and asked,” hey mister, can I help you with those bags?”....
I swear to all of you reading this, I felt like a 90 yr. old man!!! It sure sucks getting older.😳😳😳
No kidding. Everything is more difficult. That must have been a nice gent to offer to help out an "old guy".
Turned 61 in September. 5'8" and 230 lbs. About 50 lbs too much. Still feeling I still have a few good years ahead.


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10:00 am sitting in my(my) chair reclining during this covid thing. No hurry to get anywhere and nobody expecting me, no hurry to do anything. I just wish it wasn't - 15 c, I'd go for a ride.
I'll be 60 Jan 28. Had my most kl ever this last year. 30,000 kl and didn't get out of Canada
Wishing every one a Merry Christmas and God's blessing. {you never know the "last time"}