unless the cir-clip was distorted during original assembly. That could have had something to do with why it came out of the groove. Not trying to point the finger we know it came out its trying to figure out why now so it does not repeat.
Just for the record, I have many years experience of building M/C Engines, both Stock and Hot Rod, including building and machining my own Engine components.
BUT ! I did get caught out in that I didn't place (probably that exact same) circlip properly when re-assembling my Engine at some stage.
How that happened I do not know and was stunned to find that I had made that mistake (I'd said this in an earlier post)
Soooo, if I can make this mistake when I am painstakingly rebuilding my own engine, what's a factory worker capable of doing, or not doing when doing it day in and day out and not having the vested interest as you and I (apart from thier employment)
Fortunately for me, knowing that I have to check everything all the way and take nothing for granted, I attempted to rotate the shafts before I got too far down the line in assembly, it was at this stage that I found the shafts locked.
Possibly this is what happened to you, the shafts locking, but you were riding down the road at the time
Warp, possibly you would know more about this.
Regarding the depth of the groove that the circlip sits in, we note that the groove is only about 20% depth in the spline, why couldn't this be deeper by double that amount ? I wouldn't see any significant weakening of the shaft.
Wouldn't the core strength of the shaft be the root diameter of the splines ? so therefore the groove could be significantly deeper than what it is ?
If I was designing this, (not having specific knowledge in this area) I would have made the grove at least 50% the depth of the spline.
I appreciate that there is the loading (twisting, rotation) of the drive of the gear on the splines, so that is a factor to take into account.
The 20% depth just doesn't
"look" right to me.
Obviously the person who designed these components theoretically thought this depth to be sufficient, obviously in Mikes case it was not.
Also I thought I read some where that the gearbox components (as a set) are bought in from an outside company, not manufactured by Triumph, possibly by J.A.Pan & Co (not that that is an issue) and if that is the case why is it that the Big Kawasaki and Suzuki bikes not have gearbox problems and shift real sweet ?