Gearbox/clutch drama

And perhaps an indication of what might be wrong...This sucker won't budge. It's the gear position rod and apparently it's supposed to slide out easily, but mine seems stuck????

Also @warp9.9 or anyone else who's done this - can the cases be split without removing the cam chain? I got carried away turning the engine over onto the stand and forgot to remove the cam chain first as per the manual instructions
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Yes you can split the case remove and work on the complete transmission without removing or loosing cam timing.
I would leave the GPS rod alone until you get her split open.

Oh and I will go check the engine block I have in the basement one my next cup of coffee. It still has the GPS rod my bet is yours will come out it just seems tight because on the other end of it there is a split roll pin in it and in the shifting drum which rotates it. I suspect this is what is holding you up But let me check mine first as it is a junk block anyway
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Was a fiddly task on my own but today I achieved separation.....

Not a particularly "cool" looking engine are they. They definitely went for function over form. Most of today's sport bike bike engines look like the block was shrink wrapped around the internal parts. Ours look like they took an air hose and inflated it
Ok first I cannot find anything about the removal of the gps indicator shaft in the manual, but I might have missed it. I did find installtion

And the pictorial view in the manual

Now I have never seen a gps indicator shaft like this might have been the original design and was changed early on. So i can say 2007 and 2011 have the same style of shaft in it. Pictures below with the pen pointing to the upper drum and shaft are out of the 2011 the lower shaft is 2007

Note both have a split roll pin and the 2011 pin stayed in the shifting drum the 2007 stayed in the shaft I cannot tell you which one is correct.

I would say either will work if installed correctly but I would sure like to ask someone who might know but the last time I tried that I got my *****stomped on

I will add that when I did my 06 transmission work the shaft was never removed. One would think if it would be loose like the 2011 I have it would have slide out some while I was working on all I found so far was installtion while your assembling the transmission not any removal though. Still I can't say for certain.
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Torsional damper is all intact..though a little sludge built up at the rear bearing.

I believe yours will have the "sealed" bearing at the rear of the torsional damper. That was an upgrade on the later models. That is likely a bit of the grease that has escaped the seal. Probably a normal occurrence due to repetitive hot / cold cycles of the engine.