Gearbox/clutch drama

On the horn cover tab. check to see that the frame mount tabs are level with each other. if not bend the one back up and the tab on the other side will quit breaking.
HUH I dont have those problems but I did put washers under the mirror stems the day I bought the bike and they have never moved and I had none of the other stuff your talking about so I guess your kidding

Hope you get it sorted out inexpensively! My thoughts are with you! Good Luck. When mine went it was in traffic at about 10 mph coming up to a roundabout. The rest is history......
Mine locked up in 2 gears at once, on the interstate in St Louis, at rush hour, on a blind curve and dip. Luckily some fellow Rocket riders where there, after I got second gear, they strung out and formed a relay to wave me back on the road.
Finally got the engine cover off ... a unfortunately the detent spring is FINE.

So I guess I have to crack her open ... never played with a box on a big girl before

This how the last plate came out....

Mine locked up in 2 gears at once, on the interstate in St Louis, at rush hour, on a blind curve and dip. Luckily some fellow Rocket riders where there, after I got second gear, they strung out and formed a relay to wave me back on the road.

What was the problem in the end?
There's a clip on a shaft, Bob said that Triumph seems to assemble them randomly, but they should be assembled with the part punched on the downward side against the direction of pressure, mine unclipped and the gears wandered all over.
There's a clip on a shaft, Bob said that Triumph seems to assemble them randomly, but they should be assembled with the part punched on the downward side against the direction of pressure, mine unclipped and the gears wandered all over.

Poor or inappropriate assembly seems to be a not uncommon problem on the triumph assembly line
It got worse....

...and beer doesn't seem to be fixing my pain???