Of course I still have my Black Rocket, the TRICLOPS, but, the red one I bought for my exwife, then sold to Lupe, then bought back,
had a BAD accident, son in law was going to buy it off me, that's why I bought it back off Lupe, anyway he wrecked it.
Almost killed him, spent 6 months in a neck brace with numerous other injuries. Anyway the wreck broke the frame in 4 places
and the only thing that didn't get hurt was the motor, EVERYTHING else is a total washout. I've still got the motor BTW.
But I've been so busy getting my patent, getting the safety features done, making it look presentable (the generator), that I haven't had time for much else.
Now she's ready, she's at the powder coating place and I should have time to breath and ride again.
So, we still doing the RAA's? When is the next one and where do I sign up?