Gas cap hiss

Anybody notice a hissing coming from their gas cap? Just started. I can release the pressure by opening it, but when I close it the hissing comes back. Thinking cap may be defective.
I notice the hiss after a ride with the tank mostly full.. Engine heat expands the fuel and increases air pressure in the tank. It comes out in little spurts until the pressure is gone.
The cap must have a control valve built in to release it slowly like that. If u take the cap off, the air pressure is pretty substantial when hot.
The hissing taking the cap off of course is normal but the hissing with the cap going back on doesn't sound right. It does indeed sound like a defective cap. Maybe check for the infamous tank snake since you do live in Florida.
If the engine is hot, it will continue to hiss until it cools.. Engine heat builds pressure inside the tank, just like a propane tank does in the sun.
If the engine is hot, it will continue to hiss until it cools.. Engine heat builds pressure inside the tank, just like a propane tank does in the sun.
I get it although that 'hiss' should only last a second or two at most. If it isn't you have problems with the EVAP or the tank itself. Cheers.