Hey everyone. Been lurking a bit and did some posting in the "performance" forum on intake/exhaust mod questions but thought I'd do a formal introduction.
I don't own an R3R yet but I can tell ya this: I looked and the Hardleys and the rice cruisers (I don't want a sport bike) and then thought, "Huh...lemme see what Triumph is doing these days". So, I go doodling around and come across the R3R. Holy mother of awesomeness Batman! That motor...oh that motor!! I did a good bit of research and trolled the forums here and it was all over. No contest. Done. ****...this bike is everything I could ever dream of wanting in a motorbike. Problem is I'm waiting on money (grrr). I'm an independent catastrophic claims adjuster and work has been slow...so getting the R3R now is not a good financial decision right now. Need to pay off my car too before getting "The Beast". But I assure you...I WILL be getting this bike. I'm so stoked I can hardly wait! Here's the build I want:
2013/2014 R3R Phantom Black
K&N triples/possible claw mod
Secondaries removed
PC5+AT or Tune ECU (not sure which one yet)with Hanso approved maps
Possibly a mild dyno for HP/torque graphing
A host of other accessories (grips, flyscreen, pegs, panniers, etc).
Oh...and a BIG parachute brake
Then...I'll be off to hunt Harmless Dandelions.
Anyhoo...howdy from Texas (Bryan/College Station) and I look forward to conversing with you all more. Love the site and I've had some really good laughs from some of the posts along with some very helpful knowledge. You peeps are awesome.