Fun w/ a FZ1

You brought a tear to my eye; I miss my last bike, an FZ1 named Blu...

Before a trip to the mountains.

After meeting Bambi.
Sorry if I brought up sore memories. Did you keep the meat at least?

Reality is a good thing for those who have never ridden a sport bike and think they can easily beat one on a 11.5ish R3. It can keep you from making a mistake or do something foolish. There are a number of cars prowling the street that will destroy an R3 once they get rolling. The R3 is pretty weak once you approach 100mph.
Absolutely not trying for sarcasm. I do love to hear other stories.
1 week after I got my roadster I raced my nephew on his cbr 600rr. But I told him only to 60 mph. He couldn't believe I was 3 bikes ahead every time he tried.
YES we had a guy on a stock classic race 2 of the fastest sport bikes in the area from a stop light over and over and he kept beating them everytime as they where stock wheelbase and height so the kept doing wheelies and the ROCKET beat them both 4 times it was very entertaining
Wow the speed limit in Florida is much higher than Oklahoma. In this state we have a few highways that are posted at 75 mph. For the most part 90% of my ride time is done well under 100 mph. The Rocket is Ideal for everyday riding.