There's good news and bad news this afternoon
Gauges have stopped their synchronous flashing back and forth between them.
Then the fuel pump relay has stopped clicking on and off too.
The fuel pump has stopped firing and the bike is silent when I turn the key on.
(Except for the sounds it usually makes as it boots up).

the gauges wont light up at all now.
Its black out - bike starts though, and idles just fine.
Had it running in the garage for about ten minutes, revved the engine - everything appears normal.
The indicators, lights and horn all work just fine.
Gauges flickered a little and you can see something at home in there - warning lights lit up for a second, then went out again - so its trying.
I have a ride to work tomorrow, so be it - shall live to fight another day.
The thing that interests me more however is whether the bike will cut out randomly.
Over the past six months (I ride every day) - so that's 180 days, every trip the bike cuts out on me anywhere from once to four or five times a trip.
(no I don't work seven days a week, but you have to run to the store on your day off, go to the post office and so on).
The Rocket has to come to a complete stop, turn the key off - wait a bit, turn it back on again, boot up - restart and then see if it'll take the gear engaging.
Most of the time it does, but sometimes it gets unhappy and as soon as you engage any gear - it immediately cuts out again.
This has been my daily commute
You roll the bike (if you're lucky downhill) and start again, then try engage the gear shift with the bike moving and off she goes.
Till the next 'flame out'.
You could say this has happened about 500 times and sadly I can look at my route to work and home again (about a twenty minute ride) then recall just about every spot where I have suddenly come to a standstill, traffic behind me and people blowing their horns. Happy Monday folks!
(p.s. for those who may wonder, the 1050 Tiger has a starter switch problem too that is also random, you have to roll the bike around, try and turn the engine over manually and then hit the starter button. It starts about one try out of twenty. Trouble shooting on that continues (no scotch-locks this time)