I had Techlusion's TFi unit on one VTX 1800 and a PC III on the other. The TFi can only add fuel (enrichen the mixture) whereas the PC III can both lean out or enrichen the F/A mix. Frankly, I never noticed a big difference between the two and IMO, they will add 2-5% performance increases, at best. The TFi is much simpler, no remapping or Dyno tuning necessary as is tha case if you want to dial the PC III in optimallyy.
For the amount of extra oomph it might provide at the cost of lowered fuel efficiency, is it really worth the bother? For me, definitely not, for you, who knows?
Adding the GI Pro ATRE will be more effective at delivering unrestricted performance in the first three gears on the R3 and adding the triple K&Ns will deliver far more power than the Techlusion device, but it will require either a PC III or Tune Boy to dial in a correct tune. Removing the secondaries is another cheap and easy source of getting more grunt from your bike, so read up on these options(use the "Search" function), do your homework, ask lots of questions and hold tight whatever you choose to do!