Old man on a bike
I was following the thread on replacing the fuel filter and I have several questions. First of all I have the touring, but I don't really think that makes difference. For those of you have done it, do you have to completely remove the tank or can it be done just with the tank held up by the support rod? What type of clamps hold the filter on the hose...are they pinch/crimp style clamps that you need to remove/replace? Do you normally need to replace the tank gasket as part of the filter replacement? There are two fuel line banjo gaskets the manual says to throw away...does it use like a crush washer on the fuel tank banjo that you need to replace since they can't be used again?
I more than likely would have a tank gasket and the banjo washers on hand before starting the job. I wonder if I need to order the clamps as well or anything else along with the filter? I get the after market filter as recommended.
I more than likely would have a tank gasket and the banjo washers on hand before starting the job. I wonder if I need to order the clamps as well or anything else along with the filter? I get the after market filter as recommended.